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Kassaman, the National Anthem of Algeria

    Kassaman or "the oath" is the Algerian national anthem. Its words were written by the Algerian nationalist poet Moufdi Zakaria (1908-1977), during the war of national liberation, when he was jailed in Algiers, on April 1955. According to a widespread version, he wrote the lyrics of Kassaman with his blood on the walls of the cell of the Barbarossa prison where he was incarcerated by the French colonial forces. Kassaman was written in a context of conflict with France and it was officially adopted as a national anthem directly after Algeria's independence on fifth of July, 1962. The first musical composition of the hymn was written by the Algerian Mohamed Touri, then by the Tunisian Mohamed Triki in 1956, then by the Egyptian composer Mohamed Fawzi. The last composition remains, today, the music of the Algerian anthem.

Here are the lyrics of the Algerian national anthem "Kassaman", in English:

We swear! by the thunders that annihilate on us
By noble and pure blood generously shed
By the bright flags flying in the wind
On the mountain peaks of our proud mountains
That we stood up for life or death
Because we swore to die so that Algeria lives
Be a witness! Be a witness! Be a witness!

We are fighters for justice
And for our independence we started the fight
No one lend ears to our claims
So we chanted them to the rhythm of the canons
And to the crackling machine gun
Because we swore to die so that Algeria lives
Be a witness! Be a witness! Be a witness!

O France! the time of the palaver is over
We closed it as we close a book
O France! here comes the day when you have to be accountable
Get ready! here is our answer
The verdict, our revolution will make it
Because we swore to die so that Algeria lives
Be a witness! Be a witness! Be a witness!

Our brave heroes will form the battalions
Our remains will be the ransom of our glory
And our lives, those of our immortality
We will raise our flag high above our heads
Front of liberation we swore allegiance to you
Because we swore to die so that Algeria lives
Be a witness! Be a witness! Be a witness!

Battlefields raise the call of the motherland
Listen to it and obey it
Write it with the blood of martyrs
And teach it to the future generations
O Glory! towards you we reach out
Because we swore to die so that Algeria lives
Be a witness! Be a witness! Be a witness!

Written by ARAB Sabrina

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